Dick Vitale Announced He's Been Diagnosed With Vocal Cord Cancer, Vows To 'Fight Like Hell So He Can Be Ready To Call Games This Season'

Sad news tonight as Dickie V has been diagnosed with cancer again, this time vocal cord cancer. But there's no doubt in my mind he'll fight like hell and beat it again. Look at that second paragraph. He's already talking about being ready to call games this season. That's the sort of mindset you need when battling this dumbass disease. So if Dickie V says he's calling games this season, he's gonna be out there calling games this season. 

You know what? I want him to always be calling games. Dickie V is college basketball. I know he's lost his fast ball calling games. I know we've clowned on him a bit but the man lives and breathes the sport. He's the guy we all grew up with calling games. You hear his voice you just know it's college basketball time. There's something special about that, no matter what. 

Good news here is in the statement, Dickie V says it's an extremely high cure rate. Good. I hope he shoves this form of cancer in a locker. This is a man who has dedicated his life in helping with cancer research. Hopefully all that dedicates pays off yet again and we get good news here in 6 weeks. 

As always, fuck cancer. 

PS: I know it's ESPYs night and Dickie V brings that up. Fitting to watch this tonight: 

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